速報APP / 工具 / Performance Stopwatch

Performance Stopwatch





版本需求:Android 4.2 以上版本



聯絡地址:43 Meadowsweet Lane Richmond Hill, ON Canada L4E1B8

Performance Stopwatch(圖1)-速報App

Use this stopwatch to accurately measure time. The time is rounded to one tenth of a millisecond. This stopwatch is highly accurate and provides added information.

There are start stop and lap buttons. You can re-press the start button after any number of laps to quickly start the next series. This allows for more complex tracking such as rally events.

Each lap and series is recorded, along with the total time in a series for multiple lap series.

A graph shows the times for every series recorded. This can be used for a general idea of the pace.

Longest and shortest lap and series is visible for convenience.

You can clear all data in a flash to start all over again.

• Super accurate stopwatch to one tenth of a millisecond

Performance Stopwatch(圖2)-速報App

• Tracks time even when in background

• Record time in a database list for storage

• Lap time function

• Series function. Include all laps in a series

• Graph of performance per series

• Longest lap

• Shortest lap

Performance Stopwatch(圖3)-速報App

• Accurate timing with this stopwatch app

This robust and accurate stopwatch is sure to meet your timing needs.